Month: <span>August 2024</span>

Month: August 2024

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How is Fistula Removal Surgery Performed in India?

Fistulas are abnormal connections between two organs or vessels that normally don’t connect. They can develop due to various reasons, including infection, inflammation, or surgery, and often lead to discomfort and recurrent infections. In India, fistula removal surgery is a…

पाइल्स का बिना ऑपरेशन इलाज: अरोग्यम पाइल्स क्लिनिक, मोहाली, चंडीगढ में

पाइल्स, जिन्हें बवासीर भी कहा जाता है, हमारे शरीर के पाचनतंत्र का एक सामान्य विकार हैं। इसमें रक्त वाहिकाएँ सूज जाती हैं, जो दर्द, खुजली और अन्य असुविधाजनक लक्षणों का कारण बनती हैं। इस स्थिति के इलाज के लिए विभिन्न…

Ksharsutra for Fissure: A Natural Approach to Healing

Fissures, or tears in the anal lining, can be extremely painful and challenging to treat. Traditional methods often involve medications, dietary changes, or even surgery. However, an ancient Ayurvedic treatment called Ksharsutra is gaining popularity for its effectiveness and natural…

Fistula Treatment Without Surgery

Anal fistulas are a common medical issue, causing significant discomfort and pain. Many individuals are hesitant to undergo surgery due to the associated risks and recovery time. Fortunately, advancements in medical treatments now offer effective non-surgical options for fistula treatment.…