Tag: <span>Fistula Treatment Without Surgery</span>

Tag: Fistula Treatment Without Surgery

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चंडीगढ़ में क्षार सूत्र से ईलाज – क्षार सूत्र ईलाज की उल्लेखनीय उपचार शक्ति

एनल फिस्टुला (भगंदर), पाइलोनिडल साइनस, बवासीर (पाइल्स) या फिशर जैसी समस्याओं से जूझ रहे कई मरीज़ अक्सर बिना ऑपरेशन का ईलाज तलाशते हैं जिससे कम कष्ट हो लेकिन अत्यधिक प्रभावी हो। ऐसा ही एक आशाजनक उपचार जिसने लोकप्रियता हासिल की…

Healing fissures with ksharsutra: a comprehensive guide

Healing fissures with ksharsutra: a comprehensive guide

Fissures can be a painful and distressing condition, affecting daily life and causing discomfort. If you’re suffering from fissures, you’re not alone. However, there’s hope for relief with advanced treatments like Ksharsutra therapy offered at Arogyam Piles Clinic. Understanding Fissures:…

Exploring non-surgical options for fistula treatment

Exploring non-surgical options for fistula treatment

Fistula Treatment Without Surgery: Is It Possible? Living with a fistula can be discomforting and often painful. Many individuals seek treatment options that alleviate their symptoms without undergoing surgery. At Arogyam Piles Clinic, we understand the concerns and preferences of…