What happen if Pilonidal Sinus left untreated?/ Why should PILONIDAL SINUS is not to be left untreated? / complications of untreated pilonidal sinus.

What happen if Pilonidal Sinus left untreated?/ Why should PILONIDAL SINUS is not to be left untreated? / complications of untreated pilonidal sinus.

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  • What happen if Pilonidal Sinus left untreated?/ Why should PILONIDAL SINUS is not to be left untreated? / complications of untreated pilonidal sinus.
What happen if Pilonidal Sinus left untreated?/ Why should PILONIDAL SINUS is not to be left untreated? / complications of untreated pilonidal sinus.

Pilonidal sinus is a condition that predominantly affects young males. It typically begins as a small dimple in the natal cleft, located near the tailbone, which can become swollen and turn red, eventually forming into a pilonidal cyst. When this cyst ruptures, it creates an opening known as a pilonidal sinus. Symptoms of pilonidal sinus include pain, swelling, the discharge of pus mixed with blood, a foul odor, and the presence of hair and debris within the sinus. Many patients mistake pilonidal sinus for a simple abscess, assuming that it will resolve on its own over time. However, as the condition progresses, seeking medical expertise becomes crucial. Delaying professional treatment can lead to severe complications. Dr. Vinay, a specialist in pilonidal sinus at Arogyam Piles Clinic and Research Center in Mohali, Chandigarh, discusses the potential complications that may arise from leaving pilonidal sinus untreated.

Formation of abcess:- When an Pilonidal sinus is not taken care of, there is a risk of abcess forming and causing intense pain. Along with the pain, there is also a possibility that the infection could spread to the nearby tissues, resulting in a condition known as sepsis. This is a serious situation that may require the patient to be admitted to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics and pain relief medication. Severe sepsis can be life-threatening, underscoring the importance of prompt and proper treatment to prevent such complications from arising.

Infection and swelling of pilonidal sinus affected area:- Untreated pilonidal sinus can lead to a nasty infection and swelling in the affected area. This not only causes more pain for the patient but also makes it really tough for them to sit comfortably. It seriously messes with their quality of life, making everything much harder to deal with.

Multiple abscess :- In untreated pilonidal sinus the infection can spread to nearby tissues, leading to the development of multiple abscesses. These clusters of pus-filled pockets can be quite challenging to treat effectively, making it important to address the condition promptly. Moreover, the recurrence rate of abscesses after surgical intervention tends to rise, underscoring the importance of early detection and appropriate management to prevent further complications.

Increased risk of Cancer :- The probability of developing skin cancer, specifically squamous cell carcinoma, is present in untreated instances of pilonidal sinus. Skin cancer can manifest in severe cases of this condition. It is crucial to seek medical treatment for both pilonidal sinus and any associated cancer promptly to avoid further complications.

Fistula formation:- Fistula formation, a rare occurrence often linked to untreated pilonidal sinus, occurs when infections spread to nearby organs, creating an abnormal passageway between the skin and the affected organ. When a fistula develops, extensive surgery becomes necessary, and this type of complex procedure is associated with a higher risk of complications. It is crucial to address the underlying issues promptly to prevent the formation of fistulas and the need for such intricate surgical interventions.

Treatment of pilonidal sinus :-

When it comes to treating pilonidal sinus, surgical intervention is often advised. In allopathy, there are a few options available such as lay open, excision and closure, excision and advance flap, and LASER treatment. However, even when performed by a skilled surgeon, these surgical procedures have the drawback of recurrence, with the percentage varying depending on the specific procedure used.


On the other hand, in ayurveda, KSHAR SUTRA is a para surgical technique that involves using a medicated thread to treat pilonidal sinus. The success rate of KSHAR SUTRA in treating pilonidal sinus is incredibly high, almost 100%. Doctors at Arogyam Piles Clinic and Research Center have successfully treated numerous cases of pilonidal sinus using KSHAR SUTRA, including cases where surgical interventions have failed. If you’re looking to consult with our Pilonidal sinus specialist in Chandigarh, feel free to call and schedule an appointment now.


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