What happens if a fistula is not treated for a very long time?

What happens if a fistula is not treated for a very long time?

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  • What happens if a fistula is not treated for a very long time?

A fistula is an abnormal connection between two organs or vessels that typically do not connect. In the case of an anal fistula, this passage forms between the anal canal and the outer skin, leading to persistent drainage of pus and severe discomfort. If left untreated for an extended period, a fistula can lead to multiple complications and pose significant health risks.

In this article, we will explore the consequences of ignoring a fistula, including the risk of infections, the potential for worsening symptoms, and why early intervention, such as Fistula Thread Treatment, is essential for maintaining your health.

The Basics of Fistula

A fistula typically results from an untreated anal abscess. When an abscess is not properly drained, it may create a tunnel that connects the anal canal to the skin surrounding the anus. This tunnel, filled with pus and other infectious material, remains open, causing discomfort and irritation. The most common symptoms include:

  • Pain in the anal region
  • Swelling and tenderness around the anus
  • Discharge of pus or blood
  • Fever and general malaise in some cases

If treated promptly, the chances of a full recovery are high. However, if left untreated, the situation can deteriorate and lead to severe complications.

Complications of an Untreated Fistula

1. Chronic Infection

One of the most immediate dangers of leaving a fistula untreated is the risk of recurrent infections. A fistula acts as a passageway for bacteria and infectious materials, leading to continuous infection in the surrounding tissues. Over time, the body becomes less capable of fighting off these infections, leading to chronic pain, fever, and swelling.

In some severe cases, untreated infections can enter the bloodstream, causing a life-threatening condition known as sepsis. Early treatment, including drainage of abscesses and use of antibiotics, can prevent such complications.

2. Formation of Multiple Fistulas

A single untreated fistula can evolve into a complex network of interconnected fistulas, known as fistula-in-ano. These multiple channels increase the risk of infection and inflammation, making the condition even more challenging to treat.

Complex fistulas require advanced treatment options, such as surgery, or Ayurvedic approaches like Fistula Thread Treatment (also known as Kshar Sutra therapy), which involves the use of medicated threads to promote healing.

3. Damage to Surrounding Tissue

The longer a fistula goes untreated, the more damage it can cause to the surrounding tissue. The constant discharge of pus and bacteria from the fistula can erode the tissue, leading to scar formation and increased discomfort. Scar tissue can complicate future surgical interventions, reducing the chances of a complete recovery.

Moreover, untreated fistulas can lead to tissue breakdown, resulting in anal stenosis or narrowing of the anal canal. This condition can make bowel movements extremely painful and difficult, significantly reducing a person’s quality of life.

4. Risk of Fistula Becoming Cancerous

Though rare, long-standing, untreated fistulas can potentially turn cancerous. Persistent inflammation and infection can trigger cellular changes in the surrounding tissues, increasing the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma, a type of cancer that can develop in fistulas. The likelihood of this complication is higher in cases where a fistula remains untreated for years.

Regular monitoring and early intervention are crucial to avoid this severe complication. Treatments like Fistula Thread Treatment can prevent the development of such life-threatening conditions.

5. Incontinence

Prolonged untreated fistulas can lead to damage to the anal sphincter muscles, which play a key role in controlling bowel movements. If these muscles are damaged by continuous infections and inflammation, patients may experience fecal incontinence. This loss of bowel control can severely affect a person’s quality of life, making timely treatment critical.

6. Social and Psychological Impact

Living with an untreated fistula can also take a heavy toll on a person’s mental and emotional well-being. The constant pain, discomfort, and embarrassment caused by the discharge and odor associated with fistulas can lead to anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal. The fear of public humiliation due to leakage or odor can isolate individuals, causing them to avoid social situations.

The psychological impact can be compounded by the chronic nature of the condition and the repeated infections, further affecting the overall well-being of the patient.

Treatment Options for Fistula

Fistulas, particularly when left untreated for a long period, require medical intervention. One of the most effective treatments, especially in the early stages, is Fistula Thread Treatment or Kshar Sutra therapy. This Ayurvedic method has gained popularity due to its minimally invasive nature and its ability to promote natural healing without surgery.

Fistula Thread Treatment

The Fistula Thread Treatment involves using a medicated thread that is inserted into the fistula tract. Over time, the medicinal properties of the thread help to destroy the infected tissue, promoting drainage and healing. The treatment is performed in stages, with the thread being replaced periodically until the fistula is fully healed.

The advantages of Fistula Thread Treatment include:

  • Minimally invasive approach
  • Reduced risk of recurrence
  • No need for hospitalization
  • Quick recovery time
  • Minimal pain and discomfort

This treatment is particularly beneficial for patients who wish to avoid the risks associated with surgical intervention. It’s a safe, reliable option for treating fistulas, even in complex cases.

Diet Considerations: Anal Fissure Food

In addition to medical treatment, dietary modifications can also play a significant role in managing fistulas. A healthy diet helps prevent constipation, a major contributor to fistulas, and promotes overall healing. Foods rich in fiber and hydration are especially important in preventing strain during bowel movements.

Consider including the following anal fissure food items in your diet:

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Rich in fiber, they help soften stools and prevent constipation.
  • Whole Grains: Oats, brown rice, and whole-wheat products are excellent sources of fiber.
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and peas are high in fiber and can help with regular bowel movements.
  • Water: Staying hydrated is crucial for preventing hard stools and ensuring smooth digestion.
  • Probiotics: Yogurt and other probiotic foods promote gut health and aid in digestion.

Avoid spicy, acidic, or processed foods, as they can irritate the anal region and exacerbate symptoms.

The Importance of Early Treatment

Delaying treatment for a fistula can lead to significant health complications and a longer recovery time. The key to avoiding these outcomes is early intervention. Whether through modern surgical techniques or Ayurvedic methods like Fistula Thread Treatment, the sooner you address the issue, the better your chances of a full recovery.

Ignoring a fistula for an extended period can drastically affect your health, leading to chronic infections, incontinence, and even the risk of cancer. If you suspect you have a fistula or have been living with one for a long time, it’s critical to seek medical advice and explore the appropriate treatment options.


An untreated fistula can lead to severe physical, emotional, and social complications. Early intervention is the key to preventing these risks and ensuring a full recovery. By exploring treatment options like Fistula Thread Treatment and maintaining a healthy diet that includes anal fissure food, you can effectively manage and heal from this painful condition.

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